SPMU Lashline Enhancement

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This service is known as lash enhancement or invisible eyeliner, and it involves tattooing an ultra-thin black line along the lash line to create the illusion of fuller, darker lashes, much like a tight lining does for a denser lash line and natural, eye-opening effect.

Results are undetectable, but create a natural enhancement that will truly make the eyes pop. modern permanent makeup techniques which are much more gentle on the skin than old tattoo techniques and healing is a breeze. Results can last up to three years, however, a touch-up is highly recommended in order to keep your liner fresh, and ensure the pigment density is retained.

Please read all information carefully before booking an appointment and contact with any questions.

The pigment is gently layered beneath the skin between the lashes along the lash line. This is a two-step process and you can expect a lot of fading after the first session. A 6-8 week touch-up or “perfection session” is included, where we will reinforce the pigment along the lash line.

TOUCH-UP     £185  
Up to 2 years after the 6-week touch-up. Please review and follow the pre & post-care instructions prior to this appointment.



In order for your lash line enhancement to heal properly these Pre & Post Care Instructions found below are of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE.


  • Do not work out 24 hours before the procedure.
  • No alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before the procedure.
  • Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 48 hours before procedure.
  • If you currently use a lash growth serum, please refrain doing so for six weeks prior to your appointment.
  • Eyelash Extensions unfortunately get in the way of the lash line procedure and must be removed beforehand.
  • A lash lift and tint can be done prior to the lash line enhancement and is recommended a few days beforehand.
  • Contact lenses must be removed before the procedure.

Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle. These Pre-Care instructions are designed to limit bleeding and skin sensitivities during the service. Excessive bleeding during the procedure will dilute the pigment and can lead to poor results.


  • You can expect significant fading after your initial appointment. This is completely normal, and why a second appointment is included in the initial cost.
  • No makeup, especially mascara for 10 days after. After 10 days, it must be a new tube of mascara to reduce the risk of infection.
  • No gym/working out for 10 days.
  • DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate off. Picking can cause scarring and pigment loss.
  • Contacts should not be put back in for 10 days.
  • Arnica tablets can help to control swelling after the procedure.


  • Pregnant or Nursing
  • Corneal Disease
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetic
  • Previous Permanent Makeup on brow area, unless the density of color is 30% or less
  • Viral infections and/or diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • A Pacemaker or major heart problems
  • Had an Organ transplant
  • Tendency towards keloid scarring
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
  • Sick (cold, flu, etc.) or on antibiotics
  • Used Accutane (oral acne medication) in the past year
  • Allergic to anesthetic (Lidocaine) or nickel
  • Extremely oily or problematic skin
  • Currently undergoing Chemo and/or Radiation
  • Diagnosed conditions that are waived are required to bring a doctor’s note stating their approval